
Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation

Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation is a technique used in programming languages to optimize code execution by compiling code at runtime, rather than before the code is executed. This approach is typically seen in interpreted languages, where the code is generally converted to an intermediate form and then compiled on-the-fly to native machine code as the program runs.

Key Aspects of JIT Compilation

  1. Intermediate Representation (IR):
  1. On-the-Fly Compilation:
  1. Performance Optimization:
  1. Hotspot Compilation:
  1. Garbage Collection Integration:

Benefits of JIT Compilation

Drawbacks of JIT Compilation

Examples of JIT Compilation

Interpreted Execution

In an interpreted execution model, code is executed directly by an interpreter, line by line, without compiling it into machine code. Here’s how this works:

Advantages of Interpreted Execution:


Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation

In Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, code is fully compiled to native machine code before execution begins. This is commonly used in compiled languages where a compiler translates the entire source code into an executable format once, rather than at runtime.

Advantages of AOT Compilation:


Hybrid Models

Some languages use a mixed approach that combines AOT and interpreted or JIT execution for specific cases, offering a balance between portability and performance: