Regularization in Machine Learning
ElasticNet Objective Function (Updated Notation):
\[\min_{\beta} \left( \frac{1}{2} | y - X \beta |_2^2 + \lambda \alpha | \beta |_1 + \frac{\lambda (1 - \alpha)}{2} | \beta |_2^2 \right)\]where:
- $\lambda$ is the overall regularization strength,
- $\alpha \in [0, 1]$ is the mixing parameter:
- When $\alpha = 1$, ElasticNet reduces to Lasso (only L1 penalty),
- When $\alpha = 0$, it reduces to Ridge regression (only L2 penalty).
Update Rule for ElasticNet:
We focus on each coefficient $\beta_j$ in a coordinate descent approach, keeping the other coefficients fixed. Let’s derive the update for $\beta_j$.
Residual Sum of Squares (RSS):
The derivative with respect to $\beta_j$ is: $$X_j^T (y - X \beta) + X_j _2^2 \beta_j $$ - The residual $r$ is defined as: \(r = y - X \beta\) which can be expanded as: \(y - X \beta = y - \sum_{k=1}^p X_k \beta_k\)
where $X_k$ is the $k$-th column of $X$, and $\beta_k$ is the corresponding coefficient.
- To isolate the contribution of $\beta_j$, we split the residual into two parts:
- The part involving $\beta_j$,
- The part involving all other coefficients $\beta_{-j}$ (where $\beta_{-j}$ means all coefficients except $\beta_j$). Thus, we can rewrite the residual as: \(y - X \beta = y - X_j \beta_j - \sum_{k \neq j} X_k \beta_k = (y - X_{-j} \beta_{-j}) - X_j \beta_j\)
where $X_{-j} \beta_{-j}$ is the contribution of all predictors except $X_j$.
- Rewriting the Partial Derivative for Coordinate Descent:
In coordinate descent, we aim to update $\beta_j$ while keeping all other coefficients fixed. The gradient of the residual sum of squares term with respect to $\beta_j$ is:
\(X_j^T (y - X \beta)\) By substituting $y - X \beta$ with $(y - X_{-j} \beta_{-j}) - X_j \beta_j$, we get:
\[X_j^T \left( (y - X_{-j} \beta_{-j}) - X_j \beta_j \right)\]Expanding this term gives:
\[X_j^T (y - X_{-j} \beta_{-j}) + X_j^T X_j \beta_j\]Rearranging: Now, we isolate the term involving \beta_j:
\[X_j^T (y - X_{-j} \beta_{-j}) - | X_j |_2^2 \beta_j\]This term, $X_j^T (y - X_{-j} \beta_{-j})$, is often called the partial residual for $\beta_j$, as it represents the residual $y - X \beta$ without the contribution of $X_j \beta_j$.
L1 Penalty:
The derivative of $\lambda \alpha \beta _1$ with respect to $\beta_j$ is $\lambda \alpha \cdot \text{sign}(\beta_j)$
L2 Penalty:
The derivative of $\frac{\lambda (1 - \alpha)}{2} \beta _2^2$ with respect to $\beta_j$ is $\lambda (1 - \alpha) \beta_j$.
Combining these, the partial derivative of the objective function with respect to $\beta_j$ is:
- To update $\beta_j$, we set the partial derivative to zero and rearrange:
where $X_{-j} \beta_{-j}$ represents the prediction excluding $X_j \beta_j$.
Dividing through by $ | X_j | _2^2 + \lambda (1 - \alpha)$, we get: |
where $S(z, \lambda)$ is the soft-thresholding operator defined as: \(S(z, \lambda) = \text{sign}(z) \cdot \max(|z| - \lambda, 0)\)